Sunday, January 29, 2012

Inner Peace

This past friday, while waiting for Marly to get out of mid-terms I parked, took a deep breath and just took in my surroundings. There a few feet in front of my eyes was the most striking vision! I believe it a sign or a gift...very symbolic to where I am right now mentally and spiritually.
For about 5 years I wouldn't go anywhere without my camera. This past year, running on automatic pilot I stopped carrying it around. I would kick myself often because I was bound to see something beautiful, stylish or curiously odd.
As the new year ushered in I started to realize that I had lost that spark. The desire and passion to do what I love was slowly diminishing and turning into a J.O.B.!
Well, I can't let that can I?! So after time well spent in solitude and reflection I then prayed for clarity. It was at that point in time where I can say that I began to see what I needed to do and change in order to get back to that place where my passion and creativity thrived.
I have now adjusted my course and I am back on the right path which in turn adjusted my vision. I am viewing the world with a creative eye again. This image spoke to me ...the window is a view into my soul which reflects peace and creativity.

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